Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday


YES, you guessed it. I awoke before the alarm clock but at least I had slept through the night. I took Sophie out to the woods for her morning rituals and then we came back in and I made myself a big bowl of cereal. Everyone else was asleep. The silence was deafening but peaceful.

Jenny and I had stayed up late last night and stuffed 85 small plastic Easter eggs with jelly beans and chocolate so the kids could do the annual Easter Egg Hunt this morning.

85 small eggs...filled with jelly beans or chocolate.....

The kids finally woke up and they knew the rules. Eat breakfast, get dressed and everyone has to be ready at the same time. There are no good pictures from them finding the eggs because it happened so fast. I have never seen them move so fast. 

This year's weather was so different from last year when there was at least a foot of snow covering the ground and our friends were visiting from the USA.

The children found their eggs and gathered around the kitchen table to see what they got. A little bit of trading went on between them but for the most part they were quite happy.

Then we started to pack up the house so we could get home to start emptying the storage units and getting rid of some stuff before we move. I spent about two hours going through boxes and throwing out papers from 1992-1996. Why had I even saved them in the first place?  I did find Peter's dance card to the dance school we went to before we got married.........I am saving that memento.

Dinner was grilled marinated chicken breasts that tasted great fresh off the grill. I am tired today but not exhausted at least. Those white blood cells are increasing.......

So many thoughts going on in my head. It is hard for anyone else to understand the range of thoughts that fly past my brain. Positive thoughts that the tumor is getting smaller, everything will be ok to what if it's not working, my life is forever changed by this, I am a changed person, true friends show themselves in times of crisis, what is important in life, will I really live to a ripe old age, must do all the things that are important to me and are meaningful too.  Sometimes it is like a speeding freight train barreling down the tracks heading for........who knows what?

I have the support of family of friends and that really is keeping me going. GRATEFUL.



  1. Anonymous20/4/14

    Teresa, du är fantastisk. Din inställning till det som händer dig ger dig en massa kraft. Modet har du redan, att ta ansvar för ditt liv. Att leva här och nu. Till fullo. Det gör du. Mer än så kan ingen göra! Jag önskar dig en fortsatt glad påsk!/ irre

    1. Hej Irre, Hoppas att du hade en glad påsk du också.

  2. Anonymous21/4/14

    Längtar tills vi ses på fredag - en promenad med mkt skratt o mys!
    Krama familjen o dig själv!
    Puss o Kram Petra

    1. Petra, Skall bli kul på fredag..........

  3. This Easter sure has been the best in years, spring sprung in a single day. Love this time of the year when everything has that freshness about it. My gosh! 85 eggs! Chiming in with Irre, you are brave and your life doesn't just pass idly by without you filling it with a meaning. You know how to appreciate your blessings. Have a wonderful end to your Easter! xx

  4. Erika Arenborn21/4/14

    Catching up with the latest blog posts, looks like you've had a nice Easter, have taken good care of yourself with naps, good food and gaining energy from your family and friends, good on you! Hope you get positive news tomorrow after the Cat-scan done last week.
    No one who hasn't been in your shoes can fully understand what you're going through Teresa, but being open as you are about your cancer, the will-power and love of life and family that you have is something that will help you kick this cancer's ass! Take care and Kram!

  5. Hej Erika,
    It will feel good to get the news tomorrow. I wouldnt wish this experience on anyone. But, the part about appreciating life and living it to the fullest is the part that I am learning to appreciate, just wish it wasn't learned through having cancer. HUGS
