Monday, April 14, 2014

A day of just enough....?????


Why do I have an alarm clock when I wake up before it rings?  Up and got my shot out of the refrigerator to warm it up to room temperature for a half hour. Took my pill. Walked Sophie in the fresh morning air. Linda came over and gave me my jab. It is good that she does it so I know it is done right.

Then it was just get back into bed and try to relax. Not so easy when the mind is working overtime and the body is tired. I got some morning texts from friends who encouraged me to stay in bed a while longer. I did just that as long as I could. (only about an hour more)

Then it was up and shower and try and rouse the boys from their mid-morning slumber. Not much luck. Right after lunch I drove to a place on the other side of town to finally leave my broken hard drive in to see if they can recover my photos at all. Drove home and rested when I got home cause the driving was tiring especially sitting in traffic on the way there.

Made easy dinner for the boys and myself and then drove and dropped Sophie off at Farmors for a few days.

Today I have sent a few e-mails and tried to get some work done. Not as much as I had hoped, but I did as much as I could. That will have to be the new routine until my strength is back.

They called from the data recovery company and it looks like they can recover the data. It will cost an arm and two legs but it is money well spent and lesson learned. DOUBLE BACK UP will happen when the pictures are back. Good News!

I am totally grossed out by the central line that was operated into me. It feels weird both physically and mentally knowing that something has been put into my body. I think I am a bit nervous to see what it looks like under the bandages. I need to take them off tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I totally wanted the line to be put in because I want to save my arms from all the chemo coursing through the veins. I did not think further than that. I am a wimp when it comes to stuff like this. But, I am sure that these feelings will pass..................

OK, wasting time now watching the Hasselhof, Swedish talk show. OMG. OMG. Really?



  1. TOTALLY perfect quotes you've got there today! serves as a reminder to us all rushing ahead of ourselves all the time. When body and mind are in the same place, something amazing happens and things get done so much easier and quicker too. Such good news about your hard drive, thumbs up for that! Ha ha! Hasselhof - right! So with you about setting the alarm clock, I wake up exactly the same time every single day come Sunday or Wednesday. Still, it's a good just-in-case thing to have. Hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday, not too bad out there even if it's a bit overcast. Have a lovely walk with Sophie! xx

  2. Jag kan tänka mig att det blir trötta dagar ibland Teresa och jag älskar ditt mindset!!! Och tack att du hittade en firma som kan återskapa hårddisken dom gick sönder, det löser sig till slut:):) massa styrke kramar till dig!!

  3. Anonymous15/4/14

    Tittar in här som vanligt. De citaten du har med som bilder är fantastiska. Toppen att det finns folk som kan fixa datorer! Hur går det med skatorna?/ irre

  4. Anonymous15/4/14

    Kan verkligen tänka mig att det känns konstigt med något inuti kroppen.
    Men som du skrev, du vänjer dig nog och fördelarna överväger.
    Ta hand om dig!

  5. Stooor kram!! :-)
