Saturday, June 7, 2014




Happy Swedish National Day.

Awoke at the summer house. It is always early here because the sun shines right into our bedroom. I was still tired and tried to fall back sleep- but no luck.

It’s funny here in Sweden how the National day is not as big a deal as the 4th of July in the USA. This day for us was just like any other day except the kids were off from school.

Peter had to work anyway as the UK doesn’t have off for Sweden’s national holiday…..

I took it easy in the morning. I unpacked a few easy boxes and then we ate lunch. After lunch, Kevin and I headed into the local shopping area to just browse a little bit and do some light food shopping. It was late afternoon and I was tired after just a little while of shopping. We found a cool painting to hang on Kevin’s bedroom wall.

Back home again, I tried to lay down and rest. It doesn’t work that good when most parts of the body ache or hurt in some way and my mental status is foggy with the chemo brain and the wait for new tests and the results.

I ate half my dinner and then didn’t feel good. It was a crappy night with all the side effects. But, I have been lucky because this is the first time during all the treatment that I felt this bad.

Sleep finally came but it was a very restless sleep all night.

It is days like this that make it hard to be happy. Why is everything happening to me? Shit, I am so tired of this shit. There are so many things that are affected; I try not to complain because who likes to hear about other people’s shit? Not me.

I am lucky to have friends and family that care and support me, without them I would be a wreck.



It was 7 am before my eyes opened and I reached for my iphone to see what I missed during the night. Hahahaha. Didn’t miss much.

Got up and started the day feeling a bit better than yesterday, but still not so much energy. Peter was ambitiously organizing under the house with all the stuff we brought here from the other house. 

The kids are loving that the trampoline is now up and useable. It gives them something to do out here besides look at a computer screen.

Just after lunch we headed back to north Stockholm to our storage unit. I needed to see how it looked and organize it a bit. When we were done then we called Stina and hung out a bit on the soccer fields and just took it easy in the sun. It feels weird to not live there anymore…..on to bigger and better things…….

Home again and now I am more tired but I need to make some cookies for Kevin’s American football game tomorrow.

A pretty good day even though I didn’t get near anything on my list completed, but that is just the new reality here. I don’t have enough strength to even stress over it.



  1. Anonymous7/6/14

    Som tidigare sagts äe du helt otrolig och om du klagar lite då och då så gör det verkligen ingenting alls. Det har du all rätt att göra! Du är lika fantastisk ändå och värd att beundras. Men kanske ska du skona din kropp lite för den kämpar ju för livet. Och ibland kan man helt enkelt bli övertrött./ irre

  2. dearest Teresa: we are counting on all of the cancer and side effects going real soon! you are amazing as usual in your perseverance in finding just the right positive message. We wish we could take away all of your discomfort. Know that you are loved. Can't wait to see you. Love you and Hugs, M&D

  3. Jag kan tänka mig att det blir tufft till och från med biverkningar av medicinen men du kämpar på ändå. Tänker på dig med kraft och värme!!!! Massa kramar!!!

  4. Anonymous10/6/14

    6/9/14--10 days until you get the positive results! Hang in there! you are doing great and you are in the home stretch!

    Love, the Pilos in Charlotte (we're everywhere, and all routing for you)

  5. Sweden hasn't seen war in over 350 years and never fought invasion or occupation, so we don't appreciate our freedom. Something that far too many in this world would give up their life for to have. So that's the reason 6 June is just another public holiday in the calendar. Freedom is precious and life is even more so. Combine the two and you have something incredibly precious. You are one helluva fighter Teresa, your freedom is just around the corner. Don't give up, keep on going, one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. You can do it despite all the frustration and side effects, I understand it is not easy, far from it but you're almost almost there! Lots of hugs and good good thoughts to ya! xxx
