Monday, March 10, 2014

Teresa 1 Cancer 0



Awake at 5:45 today. I slept well and Peter confirmed that because I was snoring all night. Poor him......

Some morning chats on FB, my daily jab, my new list of pills to take, shower, battle uniform on, breakfast eaten and sandwiches made so we have food to eat during the day.

Feeling the love all day via FB and chats. AMAZING.

Of course leaving our house at 8:15 means it takes a little longer to get KS because everyone else is also on the road. We made it in time though and waited in the waiting room for them to call my name.

A few minutes after 9 a.m. my name is called by my nurse for the day: Anna. She did a great job explaining everything that was going to happen and was very methodical but also very caring and even asked me if I wanted her to talk English or Swedish. I said she could talk Swedish but I might answer sometimes in English if that was OK.

The treatment starts with 2 painkillers and a antihistamine and then a 20 minute wait before the first drugs can be started via drip. The first one is the antibodies and the R in R-CHOP treatment. It would take 5 hours for that one to get into my body. Due to the chance of allergic reaction it is a very slow drip. Halfway through Anna asked how I felt and I said my throat was a little itchy. She turned it off immediately and waited a half hour and then gave me a cortisone shot before we could continue. Better to take it slow the first time.

This is me KICKING ASS.......
Peter was with me today and that was good to have his support. Charlotte and Bea were in for a long visit today and helped to pass the time. Charlotte brought with her some fika that I could eat and it tasted delicious. It was fun to talk about all the things in London we can do as we got first hand tips from Charlotte, a true Londoner. THANKS CHARLOTTE for being there today. It was great. LOVED.

After the R part of R-CHOP comes the chop part. Each of the drugs are given one at a time. It took another 2 and a half hours to get these into me. It was calm in the room. Almost an anticlimax to think that these drugs, liquids and pills are going to save my life. Our bodies are amazing and the people who have done research to make all this work are also amazing. GRATEFUL

My bags of drugs!

Fun to get some red juice......
During the day my phone "pinged" every few minutes and the outpouring of love and support made it feel like everyone was in the room with me. It was crowded today in that room. GRATEFUL and LOVED.

I was finished at 4:30 pm and it was time to head home in the Stockholm traffic. Slowly, but surely we made our way home to the kids and Farmor Eva who had made Swedish pancakes for dinner for the kids. THANKS EVA.

After dinner I had some energy and went out for a 10 minute walk with Linda, my neighbor nurse to update her and so we could get some fresh air. I have energy. I got my circulation going also after being in the bed all day. It felt good. EXERCISE

Now I am a little tired but still feel good as today's battle resulted in a win for me and loss for CANCER as I have started the treatment. Yippieeeeeeeeeeee................



  1. Heja Teresa friskt humör..... Härligt att du leder!!
    Styrkekramar i massor

  2. Anonymous10/3/14

    Avslutar dagen genom att kika in på bloggen för att se hur du haft det. Godnatt/ irre

  3. Anonymous10/3/14

    Jääää, ett första steg till att kicka ut cancern ur din kropp! Kram, CarinR

    1. Hej Carin - känns skönt att få börja. KRAM

  4. Anonymous10/3/14

    Vilken goodiebag! En riktig Gott & Blandat påse med små krigare som kommer från alla håll och omringar cancern för att sedan få den att försvinna. Vilken kraft du har! Helt underbart att läsa. Och vilken inställning. Tack för att jag får ta del av din resa.
    Kram Caroline

    1. Hej Caroline - ja det var många olika påsar. Men jag mpr bra idag och känns skönt. KRAM

  5. Amazing attitude Teresa! Thx. You're a true warrior and an inspiration. I do hope you're having a good nights sleep. /Ola

    1. Hej Ola - Thank you for your kind words. Sleep could have been better but I got to lay in bed this morning too.

  6. Anonymous10/3/14

    Underbart, 1-0!!!!
    Jag älskar din inställning, du är så bra!!
    Härligt att du kunde fylla på med frisk luft och rörelse efter dagens bravader.
    Hoppas du får sova riktigt gott och läkande.

    1. Hej Christel - Tack för dina fina ord. Det känns skönt idag. KRAM

  7. Anonymous10/3/14

    Första steget i rätt riktning taget, underbart. Heja dig!
    Stor kram

    1. Tack. Det känns riktigt bra idag. KRAM

  8. Anonymous10/3/14

    Så mycket kärlek du har runt dej. Tack för att du delar med dig av din dag. Stor kram

    1. Tack för att du läser, det ger mig energi. KRA

  9. Anonymous10/3/14

    U kick ass amazing woman!
    U ROCK!!!! Bamse stora Styrkekramar till bästa Du från Johanna Du har ett så helt fantastiskt fokus och mindset! En sådan förebild! Tack!!!

    1. Hej Johanna, Tack. I am just being me. KRAM

  10. Det är så jäkla häftigt att läsa vad du skriver Teresa, en sån kraft och beslutsamhet i att kicka cancern åt helvete och vinna livet!!! Och tack att du har så fina människor runt dig, det betyder så mycket. Tänker på dig Fighter!!!! Kramar i massor!!!

    1. Hej Harry, Tack för dina fina ord. KRAM KRAM

  11. Teresa! how proud I am of you and your courage to face this with an inspiring and positive attitude. You give brave a new meaning! We are packing for out trip to see you. I can't wait to hug you and take long walks with you! I love how you thank everyone for being with you, for helping you, for calling you! That attitude of gratitude is powerful.
    Love to you and Peter. Mom

    1. Mom, It will be great when you are here. It will be fun. HUGS

  12. Ja du är sannerligen både modig och stark Teresa! helt otroligt vad din inställning och beslutsamhet genomsyrar allting. Jag hoppas att du fått sova gott och vaknar med kraft i din kropp till denna helt underbara tisdag morgon. Vilken gåva din blogg är för oss andra, tack för att vi får följa dig!! Massor med kramar till dig!

    1. Hej Eila, Tack för dina fina ord och för att du läser här. Det ger mig energi. KRAM KRAM

  13. Erika Arenborn11/3/14

    What a brave fighter you are Teresa! You go girl! Hope you have had a good nights sleep and will get a wonderful day,
    the sun is shining on you! Lots of love and hugs!

    1. Hej Erika, Thanks! Today is a sunny day and I have been enjoying it. Feeling good! HUGS HUGS HUGS

  14. Anonymous11/3/14

    Hej där! 1-0 till dig. Ha en skön tisdag med sol/ Annika

    1. Hej Annika - SOLEN SKINER och det är skönt. Jag mår bra! KRAM

  15. Anonymous11/3/14

    Keep on fighting and kicking you wonderful person you. Love you. TerryB

    1. Hej Terry, Thanks. I am a good ass kicker! HUGS HUGS HUGS

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous11/3/14

    Blir så lycklig av att läsa dina rader!! Heja heja heja!!

  18. Anonymous11/3/14


  19. Anonymous11/3/14


  20. Anonymous11/3/14

    Du är FANTASTISK!!!
    1-0 till dig!Heja heja!!!
    Vilken kraft du har och vilket perspektiv du ger oss alla.TACK!❤️
    Kram SL

    1. Hej SL- Tack för dina fina ord. KRAM
