Friday, March 14, 2014

Fantastic Friday.....


Happy Pi Day. 

Eyes wide open at 4:30 am. Darn, I was hoping it was 6 a.m. Listened to a meditation record from Kim   and then I fell back asleep. It worked. THANKS KIM.

Then the real alarm clock went off and time to start the day. The pills are a pain just because I am not really awake when I take them. I will need to get a better method. Then kids up, dressed, fed, teeth brushed......OK, truth be told they do most of this themselves except for getting out of bed......
Then my morning jab followed by a drive to the station so they can get to school. I still feel good except for the heartburn which flares up 15 minutes after I eat something. Relief is in sight though....

Farmor Eva got picked up by Kenneth soon after the kids went to school and then I hopped in the shower, dressed and ready to go not long after that. THANKS EVA.

I tried to be effective with my time. We are moving from this house in a couple of months and all of the utilities, Internet and other stuff needs to be terminated or transferred to the new owners. I thought I would get a head start on that. Very interesting how some company's have a skewed perspective of customer service. RULE>It should be easy for the customer, especially a loyal customer like me not the company............. they stole some of my energy.  ENERGY THIEVES

I was at the Pharmacy right when they opened and the heartburn medicine was taken with a glass of water before I had even paid. That guy knows me now. RELIEF.

How many numbers can you recite?
Back into the car and heading towards today's big energy gathering. A visit to the school I work at to see all the kids and staff. Today is Pi day which means they were having the afternoon session of school outside and doing some math exercises. So, out in the fresh air meant less of an infection risk for me and I got to see all the kids. I arrived in time for lunch and all the kids liked my new hair once they recognized me. Some of the kindergartners asked if I was going to get a blue wig when my hair fell out. I sat with them and chatted then I went and sat with the first graders and ate with them. They asked so many questions about the cancer. Their curiosity is fantastic. I explained things to them on their level and they wanted to know when I was coming back to build LEGO with them. So many from 2nd and 3rd grade came up to me too and gave hugs or commented on my hair style. ENERGY. They give me ENERGY.



The outdoor math class in the school yard was great. They calculated the circumference of the inner football circle, measured around the base of some trees and practiced symmetry among other things. Their energy, curiosity and smiles made my day. God, I miss these kids.

After my three hour visit it was time to head home and pick up Sophie on the way. My kids came home and shared their day with me. LIFE is kind of NORMAL. Peter is on his way home from London and will be here for the weekend. Great, cause we can have time together and get ready for my parent's arrival on Monday. We gotta clean the house a little......(Peter will clean, I am the supervisor....)

Soon dinner to be eaten and relaxing on a Friday waiting for Peter to get home is just what the doctor ordered. (maybe a small glass of wine is in order...??)



  1. Anonymous14/3/14

    Hoppas du njuter av ett gott glas vin. Ha en skön fredagskväll. Stor kram

  2. Anonymous14/3/14

    Godkväll. Allt som ger glädje är bra. Så ett glas vin är säkert bra. Dagens visdom" en vis människa ser kunskap i alla människor, ting, platser händelser. Han observerar det som sker utanför honom och inom sig tar han fram svaren på det han ser". Ha en fin kväll!/ Irre

    1. Hej Irre, dagens visdom är helt rätt.

  3. Anonymous14/3/14

    Kul att se dig idag, kom förbi när som helst! Kram Kicki

  4. Anonymous14/3/14

    Du är verkligen fantastisk som kan se och ta emot den kärlek du mötet och din tacksamhet är en otroligt viktig påminnelse för mig. Tack !!! Carin Ö

  5. Anonymous14/3/14

    Så fint att du kunde sitta ner m alla barnen och svara på alla deras frågor.
    Förstår att du kände dig påfylld
    Hoppas du njuter din kväll.

  6. Anonymous14/3/14

    Ha en skön lördag trots städning - kom ihåg att det är du som är uppdragsgivaren!!

    1. Hej Ulla - jag är bra på att ge order. KRAM

  7. Hej Teresa och jag hoppas och önskar att du haft en fin kväll och att den blev ännu bättre när Peter kom hem!!!!!!!!!!
    Massa kramar

    1. Hej Harry, Tack. Det blev bra när han kom hem.

  8. Dearest Teresa. Kram! we love you and can't wait to see you. Mom and dad

  9. Vilken härlig dag du hade igår! dessa fantastiska ungar. Låter som en bra idé att njuta av ett glas vin, som Irre här ovan skriver - allt som ger glädje gör kroppen och knoppen gott. Hoppas du fått sova liiitet längre idag! Skönt att ha gubben hemma också. Ha en fin lördag! kram

    1. Hej Eila, ja, jag har sån tur att kunna undervisa dessa härliga ungar.

  10. Anonymous15/3/14

    Det låter som om din dag var härlig. Så skönt, både för dig och barnen att få prata om det som hänt.

  11. Anonymous15/3/14

    Vilken underbar fredag du haft!
    Så härligt att läsa om din kärlek och ditt engagemang för dina elever!
    Jag hejer på dig!
    Stor kram

  12. Anonymous15/3/14

    Underbart att läsa om din fredag! Du inspirerar mig oerhört mycket! Tack!! Stor stor kram
