Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lazy day


I could have slept better but going back to bed until 10 am made up for it. I got up to do the morning routine of needle jab, taking the pills, chatting on FB, lite breakfast. Around 11 am it was time for lunch which was an egg omelet with bacon and some yummy cranberry juice.

Then it was time for a walk with the dog and Peter. Sophie is so good at catching the Frisbee when we throw it. The fresh air felt good and spring is definitely in the air.

This has been a lazy day and I got to sit in my new chair and watch some tv which doesn't happen so often these days. I watched some of my favorites which are "A House in the Country" and the Ellen show. It felt good but a little restless to not be doing anything like I am used to. Sometimes times goes by too slowly. RELAX

We ate a dinner of excellent leftovers and then I drove Peter to the airport so he can work in London for a few days. Peter's mom Eva is staying with us while he is gone. I didn't know how I was going to feel, so the extra help is really appreciated.

Driving home from the airport I had time to reflect a little as the music was blaring in the car. One of the most interesting and fascinating things in this whole ordeal is the human interaction and how everyone handles it in a different way. CANCER

The outpouring of love and support has come from many different people, some who surprised me and others who don't seem as engaged or maybe don't know what to say. It is what makes life so interesting, I think, this human interaction. Because isn't that what is important in life? How we relate to other people, how we value the time we spend with them, what we share with each other and the impact of all of these things on our life and on each other.

It makes us all better people when we appreciate all the good things in life even when a lot of things are just shit or are outside our control. But how many of us really do this everyday?

Arriving home from the airport it was then time to drive Kevin to and from his American Football practice. Now everyone is in bed and I am actually a bit tired.

Even though I have a lot of energy these days, I still need to pace myself because this is not a sprint but a marathon. This will be a challenge for me.

A good day today because the only side effect so far that I am noticing is a minor heartburn from eating food that my body now all of sudden thinks is too spicy. 



  1. Anonymous12/3/14

    Det låter alldeles perfekt att ha en 'lat' dag som du kallar det.
    Hoppas du får sova riktigt gott inatt.
    Jag hejar på dig!!!

    1. Tack Christel. Jag sov ganska bra i natt.

  2. Anonymous12/3/14

    So pleased to hear that you have energy & are enjoying your walks! Nothing like being out in the fresh air & the sunshine!!! Bet the people in Ontario would be pleased to see signs of Spring about now. Lovely Spring Flowers! Cheers Deb & Graham

    1. Yes, Spring is in the air here except for the fact they are predicting cold weather for next week. OH no we want spring.

  3. Anonymous12/3/14

    You're an inspiration in more ways than one. Your attitude through this ordeal has been just amazing. And now you've spurred me on in the kitchen. Several days ago you posted a picture of one of your favorite meals which included asparagus sauted in oil and breadcrumbs. They looked so good that I made them tonight for our dinner with broiled salmon and rice. WOW. We have no leftovers!!! Love you!!

    1. Terry, it is my dad's recipe. YES it is good. yum tum. Love ya back.

  4. Anonymous13/3/14

    Teresa, I've read your posts and it just occurred to me that there are 21. 3 weeks since this started, and 3 weeks of life-changing days. I'm hopeful and grateful that you are feeling so good. Since it was the 3-week mark I went back and read a few from the beginning. You've been fighting all along, but it is amazing how much the tone of your posts has changed in even this short time. There was more fear in the beginning, and much more stalwart resolve now. There was uncertainty and doubt and apprehension and that has been replaced by gratitude, love, energy, understanding, and a fervent will to fight. Whatever the road ahead holds for this treatment, it is evident you are ready, so if a lazy day was what you needed, then that was what you should do. Keep up the good fight! --NKP :-)

    1. It feels like an amazing journey in just 21 days. Only about 110 to go.........

  5. Det är bra att du lyssnar på det din kropp vill ha, en lat dag är ingenting annat än en dag då den laddar batterierna. Din inställning till varje dag som en gåva från livet och hur du med sådan glädje och tacksamhet tackar för varje stund, ger kraft till din kropp och dig själ. Hur många gånger har vi inte läst och hört att viljan försätter berg? och VILKEN vilja du har Teresa! Njut av denna torsdag. Kram

    1. Hej Eila, ja, det kändes bra att ha en lat dag men det är inte min vanliga stilen kan jag säga. Jag få lära mig........

  6. Thank you for listening to your body, whether it comes to food or mind :-) You put it very well: it's a marathon, not a sprint. But there's an end to a marathon as well and you'll reach the goal as a winner!! Have a GOOD day today!

  7. Anonymous13/3/14

    Ny dag :)! Vill bara önska dig en härlig dag o njut av allt det vackra omkring dig! Gör den precis som du vill ha den.
    Love Petra

    1. Hej Petra, Tack. Det var verkligen en vacker dag idag. KRAM KRAM

  8. Anonymous13/3/14

    Så härligt att du njöt en vilsam dag igår. Alltid lika så kloka tankar och insikter att få ta del av när du delar. Hoppas att vaknat påfylld och nu njuter denna magiskt vackra dag i solen. Stor varm kram från Johanna

    1. Hej Johanna, ja, kanske man skall lära sig något nytt under denna resan.

  9. Anonymous13/3/14

    Så härligt med en lugn dag! Du inspirerar mig så med dina fantastiska ord! Hoppas du fått sova riktigt gott inatt!

    1. Hej, Ja, jag har fått en bra natt i natt att sova. Skönt.

  10. Anonymous13/3/14

    Åh så skönt det låter med en lugn dag. Härligt också att din svärmor är där och håller dig sällskap.
    Kram kram

    1. Ja, det var det och härligt att farmor var här. KRAM

  11. Erika Arenborn13/3/14

    Sounds like a perfect day to me! Good on you! Take care and keep up your positive attitude! Kram!

    1. It was pretty close to perfect. KRAM KRAM KRAM

    2. Teresa du verkar haft en härlig dag, promenad i solen med fina vovven, tid för reflektion och det det bästa att hitta livets guldkorn oavsett vilken situationen är!
      Det är en stor bärande kraft som du äger! Kram G-B

  12. Anonymous13/3/14

    Godkväll. Jag har en bok medvishetsregler som jag brukar slå upp på måfå. Dagens tema var oro. Som vishetsregel står det då kring detta: "en vis människa lever totalt i nuet". Kanske du har någon nytta av detta på din resa? Kram/ irre
