Woke up feeling fresh even though I could have had a few more hours of sleep. So much to do before "nothing is ever the same again" begins......
My nurse came over and administered the shot. I get a bit of a blue mark from the shot because it is blood thinning medicine and it takes a bit longer for the area to heal. I have a little round mark after each jab. I came up with the idea of getting the jabs so that by the end of the week it will be smiley face and my nurse was more than happy to oblige. I hope it works. It is a first practice for that tattoo......
The last day at the school where I am the Lego Education teacher was the same day I got this cancer news. I had left school after my lessons with the 3rd graders and just left everything the children had built still sitting on the desks to go to the doctors for the results. This has weighed heavily on me. It was a job undone. It is also heartbreaking for me to not be able to go back to the school when the children are there because of the risk of infection. I carry that sorrow but know that I must concentrate on myself while I am kicking cancer's ass.
Today's mission was to go back to the school and with the help of two wonderful colleagues Ulrica and Jessica, sort up the LEGO so that it can be used the rest of the term. It was peaceful to sit in the room and sort the LEGO pieces back into their correct places. Sorting is something I am good at and it gave me comfort doing it today. It helped that the time was spent chatting with the girls. Maybe I can do a video lesson if I feel well enough...... Thanks girls for sharing this time with me. Now I can focus on getting my health back.
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The classroom is back in order. |
Back home it was a quick nap before dinner and before I needed to drive Peter to the airport. Happily for me, there was a knock at the door and it was Stina och Gunilla to check in on me. Stina then presented each of us in the family with a FUCK CANCER bracelet and their family also got them. SOLIDARITY Very cool. <3 THANKS Stina. It is easier to keep the focus with a constant reminder in plain sight.
Dinner was a bit subdued as the week of sitting in front of the computers by the boys ends and school work starts tomorrow. My oldest son kept us company on the ride to the airport. A goodbye to Peter and see you on Tuesday.......It will be good for him to be at work while things are calm on the home front. This is only the beginning of the battle. As we drove home from the airport I asked my son, who attends an English speaking school, what are you going to say if someone sees your bracelet? His response "Just read it". Perfect answer. Nothing more needs to be said.
This calm before the storm is good to gather up my energy and allow it to be unleashed in this battle against CANCER. Three days and counting.............
Today's Quote: LOVE cures people- both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.
I just looked at my Smiley in progress and now he has a huge black & blue eye.......
ReplyDeleteTack Cia!!!!!!!!kram!
ReplyDeleteTack själv Teresa, för en jättemysig dag! Legosortering och prat om livet var en berikande combo, på alla sätt. Förstår att du var trött när du kom hem, det var jag också. Somnade på soffan och trodde att det var måndag när jag vaknade :). Kram!
ReplyDeleteJag förstår dig. Vi var helt koncentrerade på att rätt bitar skulle hamnar på rätt plats. KRAM.
DeleteHmmm vilket mysko utropstecken det blev :) Menar så klart kram! inte kraml ;)
ReplyDeleteHahahah... inge större skillnad. KRAM :) och styrkekram till dig.
ReplyDeleteHejsan Teresa! Albert berättade för mig om den "uppkomna situationen". Därför vill jag och Katarina påpeka det faktum att ifall någon kommer gå vinnande ur det här så är det du!
ReplyDeleteKick cancer's ass!
Stefan & Katarina Misa AB
Tack Stefan och Katarina. Era ord betyder mycket för mig. Kram Teresa
DeleteMight just post in Maltese to confuse you all :) ...Ejja han nerbhu din il battalja.....which kinda means...Let's beat this war.....coz that's what has been declared...a war, no cells left standing...... xxxx
ReplyDeleteMhux problema, habib tiegni. Mieghek mina naha tiegni i tista 'taghmel dan........
DeleteYes - FUCK CANCER!!
ReplyDeleteDu är fantastisk Teresa!
Vilken kraft du är!Jag tror på dig,DU vinner!!
Stor kram
Hej SL - tack för att du tror på mig! KRAM