Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Quiet in the house....


A buzz of activity this morning as Mom and Dad fly home and Peter flies to London to work. They left at 7:30 this morning. So between 6 a.m. and their departure by taxi we had 7 people getting ready for travel, school or laying on the couch. Last minute pictures of each of the kids with Grandma and Grandpa and then hugs all around before they all get in the taxi.

Waved goodbye to the taxi. Waved goodbye to the youngest who cycled to school with his helmet on (even though it might ruin his mohawk) and then drove the other two to the station. All done by 8 a.m.

The house was quiet. It was me and the dog. She laid on the floor next to the couch where I was peacefully reclining. YES, I dozed off for a while. The silence was deafening but comforting.

I made some lunch, did some laundry, rested again, ate some more food (Ben and Jerry's Strawberry shortcake....pretty good), rested, walked the dog, did some laundry, rested, ate some more.

The day passed quickly. The kids came home and retired into their caves after getting some snacks. Dinner was a calm and quick event. I think we are all tired and the kids are enjoying the candy that Grandma left for them........It was great having them here. THANKS MOM AND DAD

Today I got the paper with information about the central line that will be operated in next week before the chemo #3. That will be fun with some local anaesthesia while they cut me open to put in the line in the morning and then in the afternoon will be the chemo.

One of the things that I love the most is traveling. So when my parents and Peter left today,  I am always a little sad that its not me that is traveling too. I love meeting people and seeing different places. It has been a little bit hard mentally on me knowing that I shouldn't/couldn't travel for 5 months during the chemo due to the risk of infection and that I would be so tired.  But, the tension has now been released due to my trip tomorrow.

I am off to London for 2 days to look at some houses. I am prepared to minimize the risk of infection. I will be wearing a face mask and having a lot of hand sanitizer with me at the airport, in the plane and on the tube. I will almost blend in with the Japanese tourists.  I have also been practicing taking my shot so I can do it myself on Thursday morning.

It will be good to get away for a short trip and plan a little for the future even though I am taking it one day at a time. 



  1. Erika Arenborn1/4/14

    Sounded like a busy morning, making sure that everyone got away on time! Hope you get a good trip to London, take care and enjoy!

    1. Erika- it was a busy morning. Lucky I got to sleep a bit after they all left. HUGS HUGS

  2. Anonymous1/4/14

    Have a great and safe trip to London! Hope you see a house you like. Make sure you get lots of rest, too. Love you. TerryB

    1. Hi Terry - Thanks. I hope I like the house. I will be taking it easy, I promise. HUGS

  3. London! wheeeoooh!! happy house hunting guys! Good job doing the jabbing yourself. Pardon me for butting in, but was thinking about sugar when I read you had eaten strawberry shortcake. Sugar is pure poison and is scientifically proven to enchance any hostile growth in the body, so perhaps it would be a good idea to leave it out or at least cut back on it while you're waiting for your clean bill of health. Just thinking. Have a splendid Wednesday Teresa! Cheers!

    1. Hej Eila - I know all about the sugar and have cut out most of it. Sometimes you just have to break the rules because you only live once. Cheers!

  4. Önskar dig en härlig vistelse i London och hoppas ni hittar nåt fint:):)
    Massa kramar till dig du starka fighter!!!!

  5. Teresa hoppas du får se och uppleva mycket under resan till London! Många trevliga möten med människor och minnen som du kan ta med dig hem!
    Önskar dig en härlig resa!
    Kram G-B

  6. Anonymous2/4/14

    Ja det är härligt att resa och se nya platser! Modigt av dig att åka iväg trots de fysiska hindren.kram/Irre

  7. Anonymous2/4/14

    Ta väl hand om dig i London och njut av resan!
    Hoppas du hittar ett hus du tycker om!
