Monday, April 28, 2014

Manic Monday


A beautiful sunny day! Gave myself the first of five shots in the tummy- did it all by myself.

Updated the software to the bookkeeping program.

Then I ate lunch in town at Bistro Burger.

After it was time to head to the eyeglass-contact lens place to sort out some things. I needed to find some sort of sunglasses or clip ons to put over my eyeglasses because I can't wear contact lenses during chemo. It was a sunny day so it was critical. It resulted in me visiting 4 different places and walking quite a bit in the hot sun. Finally I got a clip-on flip up type. They will take some getting used to.

I was really tired when I got home and rested for about 1,5 hours. I really needed that. Then I made myself some dinner and the kids made their own.
Grilled chicken breast, grilled peppers and feta

This is the tired period and I feel it right now. Enough energy for the day and then boom - the tired wave hits and there is no strength left.

I feel good otherwise. Too tired to write more today........



  1. Dearest Teresa - love you! My brave girl! One day at a time, you will get through this! that chicken looked good!
    Hugs mom and dad

  2. Anonymous29/4/14

    Kära Teresa!
    Nu känns det tröttsamt kanske... Men tänk nu på allt det roliga du har framför dig!!! USA med din släkt, landet o mysa i sommar, flytta till London - ditt projekt;) SEN har du faktiskt blivit av med 90% av "den" !!! You make this and listen to your body - rest when you feel tired. Ha en skön dag o jag skickar en kompis kram så här tidigt på morgonen <333

  3. Yes, one day at a time. Tomorrow is another day and the day after is even better! Wouldn't mind a bite or two of that dinner, looks yummielicious!! sleep tight! hugs,
