Tuesday, April 15, 2014



Awake early. Showered and took out the shot from the fridge to warm it up. I gave the shot to myself today and survived. I chatted with a few friends and got the day off on a positive note.

I had some breakfast with my youngest and then I felt tired so I went back to bed for an hour. The boys continued to sleep too. I woke up and it was time to get ready to drive into the city. Today I was paying a visit to the school I work at to spend some time with the teachers and for all of us to eat lunch at Kaknästornet.

It was good to be back in the school. It was great to see and talk with everyone. It was fun to eat at Kaknästornet. It was over 25 years since I was there last, which was during my first visit to Stockholm. Today the view was fantastic and it gave me a new perspective on life.

We walked from the school to the Kaknästornet and back and I felt that a slow pace was needed or I was out of breath. That is the strangest experience to all of a sudden be out of breath and sometimes a bit scary. I will just have to pace myself.

I made it home but I was tired. I took a nap for 1,5 hours and then it was time to think about food for the kids and myself. OK, I broke down and took them to McDonalds. They enjoyed it. I could have passed on the food.
 While we were out eating I got a message from Annica and we decided to go for a short walk. Excellent. Even though I am tired I know that taking walks is good for me. It was great to be out walking and talking. Thanks Annica.

Did I get anything constructive done today??? YES. I spoke with the pet transport company to arrange for Sophie's move to the UK. I spoke with the builder and the kitchen consultant for the new house. I spoke with the data retrieval company and my data was saved to about 98%. Good News.

A long day made enjoyable by spending it with colleagues and friends and the beautiful sunshine in Stockholm today.



  1. Tack igen Teresa om påminnelse om perspektiv! Så häftigt att läsa om alla människor du träffar varje dag, det är en viktig del i livet.
    Massa kramar:)

  2. So true so true! perspective on things gives perspective on life. You certainly are a people's person, outgoing and always connecting with whomever you meet. Happy you're taking the much needed snoozes and good job taking the walks even if they are at a slower pace than Teresa aka the steam train would like to! Have a wonderful Wednesday, the sun's up and the sky's blue YAY! xx

  3. Anonymous16/4/14

    Tack för påminnelser om perspektiv!!!
    Vilken härlig dag du haft! Många möten m vänner o sköna promenader.

  4. Anonymous16/4/14

    Tack för allt du delar och för att vi får följa din resa.

  5. Anonymous17/4/14

    Ligger lite efter i läsandet men tar mig gärna tid att läsa ikapp. Alltid lika energigivande. Du ger energi trots att du själv är trött!/ irre
